When was the last time you went to the drive-in to see the latest movie?I was driving for Uber the other night, when I took a group of 20-something passengers Northbound on 101. As we passed The Sunset Drive in, the guy asked his 2 female friends, "have you been to the drive-in?". When their answer was "no", this sparked a friendly debate over the merits of experiencing movies at the drive-in as opposed to the fancy modern movie houses. By the time we reached the destination, the girls had come to the conclusion that their next outing would be to the drive-in. This got me to thinking, when was the last time I had supported this local establishment. The answer was July of last year, for "Inside Out". We had a great time. The experience is much better, especially for the kids, in my opinion. But I grew up with going to the drive-in. Back then, the experience wasn't the best....but let's be honest, I wasn't necessarily going to the drive-in for the movies as a teenager! Back then, you had to hang a scratchy-sounding, heavy, metal speaker in your window. If you were lucky, no one would park next to you, so you could almost hear the movie in stereo. Long gone are those days. The modern Sunset Drive-in uses your car stereo to broadcast the movie's sound track. This makes for an amazing audio experience, depending on your car's system. I haven't even mentioned the best part of the drive in, the double-feature. In an era of $15+ per adult movie tickets, which only allows you to watch a single movie, Sunset charges $7 per adult ($2 for a kid!!). This makes the drive-in such an incredible value, you'll actually be able to afford snacks. Most people love hitting Sunset's snack bar at intermission. Nachos, popcorn, pizza, pretzels, the usual snack bar fair. This is the one time our child gets to eat in the car, he loves it! Between the minuscule cost, and the fact that they can get outside and watch a movie, this is the perfect way to take the kids to the movies. Get out and support the Sunset Drive-in soon, or it will just be another business we say "goodbye" to as SLO evolves into the modern city it's becoming. By Lindsey Rapone
We have teamed up with financial professionals to bring the “Money Talks” program to teens and young adults in SLO county. The “Money Talks” program was started by the University of California Cooperative Extension. It was created to improve the economic well-being of youth in America. The program is usually 5 class sessions, but this summer Mr. Ryan Caldwell from Wacker Wealth Partners will be teaching Personal Finance 101, a condensed two hour version of the material.
This fun, interactive class will focus on the most critical aspects of financial literacy for young adults: the emotion behind financial decisions, the mechanics of building and maintaining a good credit score, various forms of debt and how to stay out of trouble, basics of taxes, goal setting, saving, and investing. Teaching young adults about their money personality - the set of ideas that govern spending, giving, and investment decisions - is a pivotal step in securing a strong financial future. Knowing their money personalities early on helps young adults understand what motivates their financial behavior, and allows them to make meaningful and lasting changes to create the financial future they want. The teens and young adults will also learn about the importance of setting realistic and attainable money goals. One helpful strategy they will learn is to pay themselves first, establishing the habit of setting aside money into savings before paying bills or buying groceries. We will illustrate how starting a savings plan early has a profound impact on one's ability to save towards long-term goals because time and compounding do some of the work for you! The class will also focus on the basics of using credit cards, bank accounts, investing, debt management, and credit reports. Understanding these basic financial concepts from a young age will allow the young adults to make wise financial decisions now and in the future. There will be two Personal Finance 101 classes this summer: July 27 and August 21, both from 11:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. The workshops are free and lunch will be provided. Registration is required. For more information or to register, visit our website, or call Rachel Cementina at (805) 541-1234. These workshops will be an invaluable experience for young adults ages 16-22.
By: Sarah Simon If we can remember last weekend there were a ton of festivities happening in San Luis Obispo. Between Barrels in Plaza, Art after Dark and the 2015 Central Coast Sustainability Festival it was definitely a tough call choosing how to spend the weekend. Sometimes the best thing to do though is something completely not mainstream; which is exactly what I decided to do. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to spend the weekend being active in the community but that I knew I needed to surrender to self-effacement and spend my time focused on something that doesn’t happen quite often enough. Healing. Now, before I begin I want to acknowledge the fact that I totally get what you’re thinking. ‘Why the heck is she venting about healing?’ And friends, I’m talking with you about this today for a lot of reasons. The most important being that living in San Luis Obispo has healed me and I think that’s worth sharing. When I moved to the Central Coast last August I had just started an acupuncture-healing regime related to a five-year-old college injury. I had been in an accident that left my eye struggling for sight and my mental state completely distraught. In the process of healing I focused primarily on my vision and completely neglected the rest of body that caused a lot of built up tension in my neck, shoulder and jaw area. Around this time last year I decided to do a home acupuncture session due to some minor facial swelling which began an uprising of built up tension, emotion and misalignment I had neglected to care for over the last five years. As I started to release I noticed more and more systemic progression. And for me, being the adventurous person that I am, I started experimenting with different forms of therapy to promote restoration. I had read a little bit about cupping therapy but never thought too much about it. Yet as I went in for my biweekly acupuncture appointment my acupuncturist, Michelle Hamilton (who you should absolutely see at SLO Wellness for all your holistic healing needs) suggested we try it to release deeper uncovered tension in my back and shoulder area. I trusted her judgment as Michelle is truly an expert at her craft and probably asked 100+ questions about the therapy before we began. Now, for those of you who don’t know Michelle she really listens and educates during her sessions (not to mention she always dresses super cute!) so I felt really comfortable moving forward with the therapy. What it is is an ancient Chinese method of relieving pain and extracting toxins from the body. A vacuum is essentially created by placing heated cups on the skin that creates a suction and increases blood flow and energy to the treated area. It literally feels like the pain is being lifted out of the body through a tingling massage like sensation! What’s super neat about it too is that the treatment only lasts about three minutes and has serious long-term effects. I will warn you though, it will create some serious bruising, so don’t freak out when I show you the end result. Are you ready? Wait for it… Wait for it...! Ah!
Are you shocked? Don’t worry! The bruises went away after about a week and my back has never felt better! But that’s not even the best part! The best part about the treatment is that I cannot even begin to tell you how many people have inquired about my experience. What does it feel like? How is it done? Where did you go? Were you scared? Can I see more? I couldn’t believe it! All these inquires right here in our little community! The following day I had a little pain and soreness but nothing like what you might assume from the picture. My purpose here though is not to tell that you that you should or shouldn’t do this treatment because frankly it’s not for everyone. What I’m here to tell you is that this therapy is available right in your own backyard. The Central Coast is filled with alternative therapies for those who live an active lifestyle or are interested in experimenting with more holistic remedies. We’re very lucky to have so many unique forms of healing in our little bubble and the fact that so many people expressed interest in my story is why I’m sharing it with you today. If I can share the magic, and the power, and the opportunity that the Central Coast has to offer than my mission is complete. I’m here for you and I know you’re here for me and that’s why the Central Coast is the ultimate place to be. Our friends at the San Luis Obispo chapter of United Way have made volunteering easier, more rewarding, and even funner! Yesterday they introduced us to VolunteerSLO.org.
This social network allows people seeking volunteer opportunities in the county, to be connected with the perfect organization to volunteer for. Not only are there companies seeking individuals, but groups of people will also find a way to contribute. This comes in handy for clubs or organizations such as fraternities or sororities, or even the local high-school club with a mind toward community service. We had a couple staff go through the process of signing up, and we all had the same reaction, "that was so easy". In order to begin surfing through San Luis Obispo volunteer jobs, we simply completed 5 steps. After that, we had our own "wall" created for us (slighlty reminiscent of FaceBook circa 2005). The "wall" displays our updates, and hours worked (which can auto-populate, depending on the listing you respond to. After poking around for a bit, we noticed perhaps the feature with the widest appeal/need in our community. You are able to add more details on your profile, which will enable you to help out in a major crisis. The details they ask for, will be added to a database, which is accessed in an emergency. This is in order to quickly bring together residents with particualr skills that may be in need. There is more than just "are you a doctor or a mechanic?" type of question about your skills. Everyone from cooks, to executives, teachers and landscapers can find a way to be included in this vital list of designated volunteers. If you want to know more, you can read the United Way's press release, or simply head on over to VolunteerSLO.org to get started helping out in our community right away! Volunteering is aNOTHER perfect way to embrace San Luis Obispo County's motto - "NOT FOR OURSELVES ALONE"
Teams may consist of 10 players maximum (matches are 6-on-6). Put together your co-workers, best friends, or your family. This is a great team-building opportunity, not to mention a great way to get outdoors. Each team should designate a captain to register their team (here), but each player will be required to sign in at game-time. All players need to be at least 18 years old to play.
The costs involved to register, goes to support the San Luis Obispo Chapter of the YMCA. Registration is $325 per team (once again, up to 10 people). Teams are required to be in matching Jerseys/T-shirts for the games. T-shirts are available locally from J. Carroll Screen Printing. You may want to purchase a mouth-guard as well, but it is not a requirement (this is a friendly game, but accidents happen). You can find the complete rules here. If your company is unable to participate, but would still love to support SLO YMCA through sponsorship, we have those opportunities. Sponsorship has many benefits, a few being that you will be seen on the website, and also appear on the winning T-shirts. Sponsorships start at $250, but you may donate more if you choose. If you would like to simply volunteer as an individual (or group) to help put the event on, you can register through the United Way’s Volunteer SLO website. Sign-up is quick and easy, and will connect you with the appropriate people/organizations. We hope to see the whole community at Los Ranchos Elementary on June 6th and 7th, for our Annual Adult Flag Football Tournament! Life After Dead: An Evening with Dark Star Orchestra |
Vina Robles Amphitheater kicked off 2015 last Friday with a stellar opening performance from the group dedicated to keeping the Grateful Dead experience alive, the one and only, Dark Star Orchestra. What’s super cool about this band is that they play actual set lists, song by song, through an instrumental and vocal arrangement specific to the era of the original Grateful Dead performance. I was fortunate to receive complimentary tickets and could not have been more excited to show off my tye-die and floppy hat while dancing freely in the open air. Ironically, the only aspect I was slightly skeptical about was the outdoor venue. As a former resident of Boulder, CO, Red Rocks Amphitheatre in |
But as I approached VRA my preconceived notion quickly fluttered away. Retrieving the tickets from will call was a breeze and security was light and friendly. Upon entry I immediately loved the layout. Clean floors, clean lines, clean design and a seriously spacious dance floor with a sonically gorgeous sound system. The dining options were delectably atypical; definitely not your standard concert fare. Mouthwatering pulled pork sandwiches, local wines and craft beers were just a few delicacies my husband and I enjoyed on the grassy hill overlooking the stage.
We relished in our divine eats while watching the sun set over the venue. The vibrations were perfectly mellow and the crowd filled in with toddlers, gray hairs and everything in between. At one point I saw a young mother cradling her flower child for an entire song as they listened, swayed and loved and as we finished our first round I heard the sound of magic.
Dun, nah, nah, nah, “Picture a bright blue ball just spinning, spinning free.” Dun, nah, nah, dun. “Dizzy with eternity.”
Time to get funky.
We lost ourselves in the sights and sounds of the band’s delicately unique harmonies as they performed my all-time favorite Dead jam and as the night creeped to an end I stopped to savor in the joy that radiated around me. On the left was a collection of free spirits interpretive dancing with their arms and legs extended above the stars and on the right, a group of bohemian beauties frolicking in circles as a gentleman in a wheelchair zipped and glimmered through the gaps.
It was undoubtedly one of the most beautiful sights I’d ever seen. To see that kind of love and light so purely encapsulating the energy and experience of the Grateful Dead era was absolutely incredible.
The intimacy Dark Star Orchestra delivered as they waved goodbye was one loving as they expressed that the performed set was originally showcased by the Dead on June 14th 1985 at the Venture Fairgrounds in Ventura, CA.
Still in awe, hearts full and glasses empty, we waved back with tears in our eyes and nothing but love in our hearts.

For $35 ($30 for current SLO YMCA members) you can help a great cause, get a little exercise on one of San Luis Obispo County's best trails/golf courses, and walk away with a shirt to remember all the fun. Get a group of friends together (contact the YMCA for a group discount) and head out to Avila Beach on Dec 6 for the SAN LUIS OBISPO YMCA 5K FUN RUN!!
find the San Luis Obispo YMCA on social media @sloymca
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